Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dilly Dally

Sometime back, I purged my blog of unwanted posts.  Unwanted by whom?  By me of course.  So I got rid of them.  Now, guess what?  We're back up to 300 posts!  Yep, with the publication of this silly entry, we will officially have a total of 300 posts on my blog again.  Isn't that just fantabulous?  Yes, fantabulous is a word – look it up.

Right now, I'm in JPII Library – theoretically studying for a computer test that is this Thursday.  I must say, ever since the four day break, I haven't been quite ready to accept responsibility again.  Sleep-deprived, I'm having a hard time keeping my stress level down.  All this computer-staring has lowered my visibility, in a manner of speaking.  I'm feeling "vacation-lagged."  And in just a few weeks, it'll be Thanksgiving break.  Then a few weeks more and I'll be off for Christmas break.  Finals are just around the corner!!!  *insert-ultra-stressed-scream-of-your-choosing-here*

I'm not over overloaded – that's the problem.  It feels like it should be harder.  I feel like I should be stressed out, so I am.  Do you know what I mean?  I'm not complaining – I don't want to have lots of work – but that's just the way the mind works.  But everything's okay for now.  I'm just a little worried that I'll forget about something until the day before it's due.  There are a few classes that I want to do better in so I'm naturally a little worried about them.

(And I finally know what people were talking about when they complained about those people who complain about a B – jeesh.  Yes, I'd like to do better, too, of course, but stop whining to me – for heavens sake!  If you've got straight As in everything else, I don't want to hear about one B!)

Now it's almost 6 o'clock and I should get back to work soon.

I signed up on the NaNoWriMo website the other day.  Who knows why – I guess I liked the fact that it would help me to remember to write more often, give me incentive to write even when I didn't feel particularly inspired just then.  But I'm not participating strictly speaking.  I'm working on more than one novel and tallying the words for both and entering them in for the one novel that I have registered – because apparently you can only register one for any given time.  That makes sense given their mission, but it's not great for my purposes.

Well, anyway, I should go now.  Have a great night, and pray for our country!



  1. No kidding about praying for the country. I could cry.

    But here's the real question: Are you on Pinterest yet??


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