Monday, July 2, 2012

Supplementing Your Summer: Balance

Balance Exercises

(songs at the end)

If you find the above downright easy, or when you do, it may be time to move on to something a little more complicated, and I know nothing better than ballet exercises.

First, to get the most out of the following, I would recommend that you stand in first position and do some plies, with your glutes tight, working the rotation in your legs (do not rotate from the ankles: a.k.a, turn your leg out from the hip and do not force your foot any further than that!).

You needn't go all the way down to grande plie

Okay, so first exercise:


That's a passe, and it's not too hard (don't lean over as far as the rightmost girl appears to be).  (If you wish, you could try this with your leg turned in, so that it points straight out in front of you.)  Remain tall - let go.  Hold.  As long as you can, and remember to hold control, even when putting your foot down.  Too easy?  Try it on releve:


Unless you're a dancer or perhaps a gymnast, you probably won't be able to get up on releve that high^, and that's okay (it comes with a lot of practice and time).  But the higher your heel and the straighter your leg, the less likely you are to strain something and the better your balance will be.  (If you want to improve your strength, put the ball of your foot on the edge of a stair and rise all the way up and down.)

Anyway, in releve, try the passe again.  Keep doing this until you're solid (30 seconds would be a good goal, but start small).  Some tips:

- remember standing up tall and lifting yourself from the crown of your head?  Vitally important here.

- And be constantly lifting the leg in passe from the thigh toward the ceiling (not with your hand).  It keeps an up momentum.  But keep your big toe lightly touching the side of your knee

- Think "up" if you have to!

- keep your upper body lifted!  If you sag, it's like holding a sleeping baby - heavy

If you make it to this point, congratulations!  Now, in releve, coupe.  I suggest doing it front of your ankle:


If you can stand in releve like that, "extend out" - stretch your leg out to the side without collapsing!  Remain at all times lifted to the ceiling!

*wipes brow*  Whew!  If we get threw these to the point of ease, let's move on.  ...But till then, let's just do these over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over........

You could also try doing these while standing on a pillow, brushing your teeth, stirring a pot on the stove, etc..

If you have any other tips or need me to clarify something, just comment!

Next, we'll talk about names

 Ain = own
(Have not watched this video, I only know the song)

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