Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ron Paul

Ron Paul looks like a very good candidate for the presidency.  He is a Christian, though not Catholic, and he feels that his duty to God should influence his political standing.  He is pro-life, approves of homeschooling, and does not approve of the current health care system.  His website is very comprehensive and explains what he feels about each area of concern and what he wants to do about it.  He seems like a very upright and good-standing citizen, with a strong military support and a long reputation for having one mind and one way of thinking.  He even knew the financial state our country would be in before the crash.  Those who don't like Mitt Romney's reputation could, understandably, turn to Ron Paul.

There are, however, some issues that I am concerned about.  He believes, for instance, that every man has a God-given right to own and bear arms.  That is hogwash.  While it may be right to bear arms, it is not a God-given right.  Life is a God-given right, and no one may be deprived of that short of very serious circumstances.  Guns, however, can be denied to anyone who shows a lack of good judgement.  I have not come to any firm conclusion about the private ownership of guns and I have nothing against keeping the second amendment, but God did not endow us with a right to weapons.

Another major issue is his thoughts on federal government.  His motto on the subject appears to be "End the FED", and his website states that "There is no greater threat to the security and prosperity of the United States today than the out-of-control, secretive Federal Reserve."  I don't believe that is true.  "Ultimately, he [Ron Paul] will lead the charge to end the dishonest, immoral, and unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, enabling America to take a giant step toward economic security, financial responsibility, and lasting prosperity."  He may be right that the Federal Reserve has caused a lot of problems and mischief, and undoubtedly the government has been taking on more and more responsibility lately, and furthermore I belong to a Church which believes in subsidiarity, yet "End the FED" seems too extreme, far too liberal.  Most likely, should he become president, he will affect some change for the good.  So long as he doesn't tear our system apart completely (as head of that system ironically), I don't mind him making changes for what he calls the better.  He'd also like to legalize "sound money", which sounds intriguing but I'd be interested to know how he'd make it work.

Another big issue today is illegal immigration.  Ron Paul believes in laying down the law on illegal immigrants and closing our borders.  I have yet to hear from any politicians what exactly they would do in order to "close our borders" but the term doesn't sound good.  While all in the interest of security, it feels like an iron curtain - and I mean that in a very loose definition.  Furthermore, there is no such thing as just American.  The only exception might be if your entire lineage is Native American.  Otherwise, American means a random combination of Italian, Irish, English, French, Indian, African, Korean, Swedish, and much more.  Personally, I'm Italian, Irish, English, German, and Czech.  Those people are my people, and I can't imagine telling them they aren't welcome.  For many of us, our first ancestors to step on (what became) American soil were fleeing from something or came here to help their families or find a better life.  This is the case for many "illegal immigrants" today.  Our country is founded on immigrants, built on immigrants, and is immigrants, and I don't think that we should simply deport hundreds of hopeful people looking for a way to survive.  Short of invading Mexico and trying to fix it for them, we shouldn't close our borders.  America is her own country in her own right.  She is independent and runs herself without help from other governments.  Still, we should not forget our roots.  We should not forget where we came from.  And I certainly don't agree that we should end birthright citizenship.

Ron Paul also wants to lower taxes, eliminate compulsory unionism, and he believes our troops should serve our own nation and not unnecessarily go to war.

So that is Ron Paul.  For the first time, I will be voting this year and so, for the first time, I've been more than just curious in politics.  For the record, I am incredibly simple when it comes to politics.  I don't get it.  Listening to politicians makes my head spin because they seem to make what I see as simple into something complicated, and in the process I get left behind.  What is is - to me, but not to politicians.  Therefore, I am open to criticism and debate about what I have said in this post.  That is partially why I decided to post about politicians on my blog.  I am seeking guidance from my parents and their friends, but I don't always agree with them on the details and I'd like to know your opinion as well - just so long as it remains a calm, easy atmosphere.



  1. Just to clarify, I'm not against protecting our country by securing our borders. I'm also not against deporting illegal immigrants who are involved in drugs and so on. I don't, however, think we should default to deportation of all illegal immigrants, many of whom are just here to look for a job or the like.

  2. If I could vote, I think I'd vote for him. Nobody, particularly a Catholic, will ever find the "perfect" candidate. To me, Ron Paul seems like the best of the lot, though I'm not sure how much chance he has of winning.

  3. Hey, I just posted a video on my blog of an interview of him by CNN on which he, Ron Paul, basically says abortion is OK in some cases!?!?!

    He also thinks Abortion should be left up to the states to decide... Leaving Murder up to the states to decide? Come on!

    Santorum has my vote. He is 100% Catholic and pro-life.

  4. Yeah, I'm totally voting for Santorum! But since I'm not eighteen until July, my contribution for now is just praying that he makes it through the primaries. But he's got four victories so far!!! (I've been meaning to finish posting on the other candidates but haven't had the time - I'll get to it as soon as I can.)

  5. YAY!!! I am so happy to read that you are now supporting Santorum!!!

    GOD's blessings~


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